Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday - sun + Father's Day = Today

Today we woke up to rain. Surprise I know. Here we are in the tropics and it's raining.....who would have thought. After breakfast and getting ready for Sunday services we went to the church in Managua. During the morning services we served some 60 kids a breakfast of watermelon, toast and a small piece of another fruit at the Feeding Center. Brian said this was probably their best breakfast of the week for some and the best meal of the week for others. The lower class, at least in Managua, mostly eat rice and beans. Rarely meat and hardly over fresh fruit. It was awesome to have our devo's this morning tie into this with  "what ever you do to the least of these you have done to me."

After that we went to lunch and just hung out in the mall just to relax a while. Then we were off to round two of the Feeding Center. Due to the rain, of which Nicaraguans are superstitious of and wont let their kids out in it.....again........Surprise I we are in the tropics and people are afraid of rain.......Neways we would have feed about 180 but due to the rain we feed maybe 90 or so. Amanda taught the story of the worldless book and then we all just served the kids meals, toys, candy, and played a little with them. We were going to run AWANAS but since they do it outside the rain but a nix on that too.

Tonight is our last night in our hostel. Tomorrow we pack up and go on our fun day which everyone is very excited about. We have two surprises in store for the teens. Most of them figured out one. I'd blog the other one but then they'd read that before we went and that kinda kills the whole suspense and anguish thing=)

I think we are over the bug. No more new members of the Vomiteers. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

We all would like to say Happy Father's Day to all our dads! We can't be with you but we love you guys and we'll see you soon. Good night all.


  1. Praying you all enjoy your last day there and safety as you head home. Can't wait to hear all the amazing stories and see your beautiful faces.

  2. So excited about the surprise. Glad to hear as well there were no new members to the vomiteers!!! Have a great time. Miss you and looking forward to seeing you all.

  3. Sorry to hear you had some sick ones. Hope all goes well with your "Fun day"!
    Will look forward to seeing some pictures of your event.
